February 7
What is the world really like? To some people, red and green cannot be distinguished;
to others, cilantro tastes like soap. Are such people mistaken, or is it the rest
of us who do not perceive reality “correctly?” Are there, in fact, some sensory experiences
that all human beings get wrong? And if so, how would we ever know?
In his lecture Professor Altieri will examine the nature of perception and whether
our senses give us an accurate picture of the world. By examining the faculty of sight via neurobiology and philosophy, he will call into question one of
our most basic beliefs:
“Seeing is believing.”
Join us for this free Liberal Studies Lecture Series (LS)^2:
“Seeing is Believing? The Deception of Perception”
Thursday, February 28
11:00 am–12:15 pm
Lynn Campus gym
Presenter: Dr. Fred Altieri
For more information, ckeebaug@northshore.edu or kkaufman@northshore.edu