December 18
Danvers, MA – Kelsey Taylor, a North Shore Community College liberal arts student, won first place for creating
a new logo for the Life Science Consortium of the North Shore (LSCNS).
Taylor, from Lynn, won $1,000 for her design. In addition, NSCC also received two out of the four Honorable Mention awards. Mia Swensen and Photis Theodorou from NSCC each received $50 for their Honorable Mention awards. The other two Honorable Mention awards went to Gordon College students, Linzie Ciarcia and Quentin Cole.
LSCNS was founded in 2012 as a public-private partnership to promote life science education, training, and business growth. Its mission is to: improve job readiness; increase resource sharing; and enhance collaboration between local higher education institutions and the regional life science industry. LSCNS is comprised of North Shore Community College, Endicott College, Gloucester Marine Genomics Institute, Gordon College, Salem State University and North Shore InnoVentures.
The contest attracted 31 entries from four of the member academic institutions. Two thirds of the entries came from NSCC. The strong NSCC contest performance was in great part due to NSCC’s Sandy Fuhs, Program Coordinator, Graphic Design for Print & Integrated Media. Sandy used the contest as a real-world project for her Digital Illustration class where the students learned how to create designs and prepare the multiple file types required for a logo.
“It was gratifying to see the students’ level of participation and enthusiasm for the contest. The winning logo was chosen because it captured the momentum of the regional Life Sciences community in a simple and attractive design," said Lynn Sutherland, LSCNS Executive Director.
Contest judges were the presidents or chief executives of the member institutions along with the LSCNS Steering Committee, which is comprised of deans, faculty and administrators at the institutions. 100% of the judges voted.
The contest was quite competitive. The judges were asked to rank their top five choices and 70% of the logos received at least one vote for a top five logo. Taylor’s logo received the most votes for top logo and the most top 5 votes overall. All contestants received an electronic certificate featuring their logo for their portfolios. Additionally, the top five winners received a framed certificate.