October 5
North Shore Community College (NSCC) Chief of Police David Cook has been named to the newly established Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association
- Behavioral Threat Assessment & Management (BTAM) | Violence Risk Assessment (VRA),
or BTAM |VRA Committee. The goal of the committee is to enhance law enforcement’s
ability to be proactive prior to a violent incident, prevent victimization, and enhance
officer safety.
The committee resulted from a report by the FBI, “Making Prevention a Reality: Identifying, Assessing, and Managing the Threat of Targeted Attacks,” which stated, “Every day in America, acts of planned violence are carried out against innocent people simply going about their lives. The mass shootings we see so frequently today are a dramatic example. Many Americans feel that no place is safe – schools, places of worship, worksites, or public gatherings. Fear like that can become disabling, and that is no way to live.”
Committee membership includes Chiefs of Police, FBI representatives, health professionals and human services agencies.