CTLI team members provide a wide range of services to support faculty in teaching and learning innovation, professional development, and academic program review as well as utilizing instructional technology and teaching in physical and digital classrooms.

  • Blackboard Learn Course Accessibility Audits: We work with faculty to determine how accessible their course is to meet the requirements of accessibility for online content.

  • Classroom Technologies: We work with faculty to show different technologies available for the classroom and/or help them demonstrate to students how to use classroom technologies.

  • Course Design Support for Online and Hybrid Courses: We work with faculty once they have received a Technology Across the Curriculum grant (see below) in the process of developing an online or hybrid course.

  • Course Design Support for Using Open Educational Resources: We work with faculty and librarians to find open educational resources to replace textbooks for a course.

  • Instructional Design: We work with faculty to determine the most pedagogically-sound strategies to employ in class and the best technology to meet their objectives.

  • Learner Outcomes Assessment: We work with faculty towards continuous improvement of student learning through advising on planning and implementation of assessment and participation in the AAC&U VALUE Institute Multi-State Collaborative.

  • Professional Development Opportunities: We offer a variety of workshops such as: Blackboard Learn, Open Educational Resources, Web 2.0, Clickers, Smart Classrooms, and more.

  • Program Review: We work with each academic program or department to identify goals, examine strengths, identify areas of concern and, ultimately, implement change which will be beneficial to both the program and the college as a whole.

  • Service-Learning: We work with faculty to embed service-learning opportunities into the course curriculum to connect meaningful community service experiences with academic learning, focusing on critical, reflective thinking, and civic responsibility.

  • Summer Institute: We hold a 2-day workshop each year to support faculty in teaching and learning and exploring different topics related to instructional technology and design.

  • Technology Across the Curriculum Grants: We send out a call for applications every fall (typically in October) for faculty to develop an online or hybrid course or a technology-oriented project.

  • Training and Support for Groups, Departments, and Individuals with Instructional Technology: We visit division meetings, department meetings, classrooms, or teams to discuss services and/or resources we offer. We also meet with faculty one-on-one to work on projects.

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