Black Lives Matter

Our commitment to a diverse and inclusive campus is stronger than ever. We denounce racism, hate, institutionalized violence, and especially anti-Blackness. We acknowledge the power of white privilege and recommit to creating a culture of mutual respect, understanding and support for all who face historical and present-day oppression.


Equality and Equity Project logo

As part of our commitment to Anti-Racism, Diversity & Inclusion, the Equality & Equity Project will provide historical and present-day information about the contributions, challenges, culture, and daily lives of the many vital groups that make up our NSCC community, and the larger world.

Read more about the Equality & Equity Project >


Diversity and Equity Campus Climate Survey

Diversity and Equity Campus Climate survey logotype

With our strategic plan and priorities set and with implementation underway, it’s imperative to measure and track our progress ahead, particularly when it comes to Strategic Priority #2: Promoting Social Justice at NSCC and in the Community by delivering Equitable Student Outcomes. To help ensure we will eliminate equity gaps by 2027, transform our culture and the student experience using social justice practices, and co-create an inclusive community focused on an authentic sense of belonging, especially for those who have been historically excluded from higher education, we embark on “firsts of many” new and exciting initiatives; because frankly, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) have not been transparently valued in higher education until recent years. Although we’ve known DEI is important to the goal of social justice and central to student success, we now know it must be formalized and codified just as other College practices and structures are, i.e., finance, enrollment, etc., and that must start with being data-driven.

What makes the Diversity & Equity Campus Climate Survey unique and vitally important, is it’s intentionally designed to be administered to the majority of the NSCC campus community– students, faculty, administrators, and staff.

See the FAQs about the survey here. >


How NSCC defines diversity

Diversity takes many forms. It recognizes the integrity, contributions, strengths, and viability of different cultural, language, and social groups. Diversity includes, but is not limited to, race and ethnicity, physical abilities or qualities, disability, gender, sexual orientation, age, religious beliefs, class, educational background, and employment category.

You are welcome, valued and respected

True diversity implies a pluralistic campus, one that provides students, faculty, and staff the opportunities to learn about, respect, and appreciate each other's cultures and backgrounds. Diversity is inclusive, encompassing everyone. It seeks to create an environment in which each person and every group fits, feels accepted, has value, and contributes.

A pluralistic society is a strong society

NSCC celebrates and embraces multiculturalism. Supporting a diverse campus is at the core of our
Mission and Values

Forum on Tolerance

Diversity Leadership Council

Student Organizations

LGBTQ Resources

DACA Resources

NSCC acts locally and connects globally

NSCC is a campus affiliate of the National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI), an international organization founded in 1984 that is dedicated to diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as building connections among people through reflection, sharing stories, and conflict resolution.

National Coalition Building Institute

Image of campus

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