Tests for a Class
Make-up tests, tests for online exams and students with approved extended test time may arrange to test in the Testing Center. Testing arrangements must be made by the student with their professor.
To make an appointment for a test for a class, visit our Test Appointment Page.
The testing center will strictly adhere to faculty guidelines when testing.
The following policies apply to all students testing:
1. All students will be asked to present a photo ID and sign in when taking any test
in the Testing Center. If a student does not have a photo ID, instructor identification
of the student is acceptable.
2. Exams are available on a first-come, first-served basis. If the Testing Center
is full, a waiting area is available.
3. For Zoom testing - students must have a computer with a camera and a microphone, have the ability
to share their screen, and allow remote access. Students are required to show their
testing spaces. No electronic devices are allowed.
For on-campus testing, all student belongings must be left outside the testing room. No backpacks, books,
pocketbooks, portable electronic devices, hats, coats, hooded sweatshirts or zippered
sweatshirts are allowed in the testing room.
4. Valuables should not be brought to the testing area. The testing center/staff are
not responsible for lost or stolen items.
5. Scrap paper is available for student use. Scrap paper MUST be handed in at the
end of the exam.
6. Talking is not allowed in the testing room. Students with questions should speak
with the Testing Supervisor.
7. No eating or drinking or chewing gum is allowed in the testing room.
8. Students will not be permitted to return at a later time to complete a test they
have started or seen without express permission from the instructor.
9. Nursing calculators are available for nursing students only.
10. Staff and campus police are available to handle emergency situations.
11. Staff will assist with the troubleshooting of power failures or other technological
12. In the event of a fire alarm, all testers will be asked to exit the building immediately.
Computers are to be left on. Consideration will be given to time lost due to the interruption
and every effort will be made to allow sufficient time to complete an examination
in progress.