Career Pathways Grants at Massachusetts' Community Colleges

  Contact Person E-mail Address Phone Number
Berkshire Community College Alicia Ginsberg 413-236-4598
Bristol Community College Heidi Campbell 774-357-2112
Bunker Hill Community College Melissa Kerner  617-228-3247
Cape Cod Community College Carolyn Mcinnis  774-330-4417
Greenfield Community college Felicia Gooler 413 775-1270
Holyoke Community College Abby Mahoney  413-552-2345
MassBay Community College Linda Romero 508-270-4288
Massasoit Community College Susan Driscoll 774-360-5432
Middlesex Community College Nancy Pynchon  978-656-3236
Mount Wachusett Community College Jonie Latimer-Brady (978) 630-9553
NorthShore Community College Kathy Gallo 781-593-6722 ext. 6249
Northern Essex Community College Doris Buckley 978-556-3374
Qunisigamond Community College Rachel Wallace  508-751-7934
Roxbury Community College Jennifer Kearns Fox   
Springfield Technical Community College Nancy Ward 413-755-4120


***chart of towns with the Community College listed.

Interview Opportunity for Early Education and Care Students: Massachusetts Early Childhood Needs Assessment-

EEC Professional Qualifications Certification eligibility requirements

The Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) offers Professional Qualifications certification for certain positions in EEC-licensed group child care programs.
 Professional Qualifications Registry. The EEC PQR gathers important information about the education and experience of educators working in early education and Out-of-School-Time. This information will help EEC to provide training and education opportunities that respond to the needs of all educators and programs in Massachusetts. Educators working in programs serving children from birth through school age, regardless of setting, must create an individual educator profile in the PQ Registry. For more information about the PQR or to create a PQR account, visit the Professional Qualifications Registry

*Individuals who have completed their education outside of the U.S. may find a credential evaluation service helpful to evaluate a foreign degree, diploma, and certificate. Si usted desea validar diploma, o high school diploma por favor dele a click al siguiente enlace; 

The CDA credential is a national credentialing program for early educators at all levels of education and experience. The CDA program assesses candidates using multiple sources of evidence, including an exam, observation, and professional portfolio. To learn more about the CDA program and how to apply, visit Child Development Associate (CDA) credential

International credentials