49th Forum On Tolerance
January 24th, 2024
6:00PM - 8:00PM
In the Lynn Campus Gym or via Zoom
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This forum is FREE and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.
Hope, Healing and Combating Antisemitism:
The Aftermath of the 2018 Tree of Life Shooting
On October 27, 2018, an armed American white nationalist killed 11 worshippers at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA. The tragic killings carried out at Tree of Life were reported on by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and North Shore native, David Shribman.
In his keynote address, David Shribman will discuss his experience covering this tragedy and how reflecting upon it might lead to hope, healing, and combating antisemitism.
This Forum is dedicated to the memory of longtime Forum on Tolerance Committee Member, educator, and mentor to David Shribman, Harvey Michaels.
For more information contact Laurie Carlson, lcarlson@northshore.edu

David M. Shribman, executive editor of the Post-Gazette from 2003 to 2019, writes a nationally syndicated column in the United States; prepares a separate column on American affairs for the Globe and Mail, the national newspaper of Canada; is scholar in residence at Carnegie Mellon University; and in the 2019-2020 academic year taught at the Max Bell School of Public Policy at Montreal’s McGill University. He went to Pittsburgh from The Boston Globe where he was assistant managing editor, columnist and Washington bureau chief.
He graduated summa cum laude from Dartmouth College with a degree in history and was a member of the Phi Beta Kappa honor society. He did graduate work in European and African history at Cambridge University, England, as a Reynolds Scholar.
He served as national political correspondent for The Wall Street Journal, covered Congress and national politics for The New York Times and was a member of the national staff of The Washington Star. A native of Salem, Massachusetts, he began his career at The Buffalo Evening News, where he worked on the city staff before being assigned to the paper's Washington bureau.
Mr. Shribman was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1995 for his writing on Washington and the American political scene. He led the coverage of the Tree of Life synagogue massacre that won the Pulitzer Prize a quarter-century later.
Mr. Shribman was a regular panelist on the PBS show “Washington Week,” has appeared on both “Face the Nation” and “Meet the Press,” and is a frequent analyst for the BBC and CBC. His “I Remember My Teacher,” a tribute to the nation’s great educators, was published in 2002. He has lectured at universities and colleges around the country and taught courses at Notre Dame, Brandeis, Virginia Commonwealth University and Gettysburg College. He was a Poynter Fellow at Yale and delivered the Lyndon Baines Johnson Distinguished Lecture at Southwest Texas State University and the Charles Hall Dillon Lecture at the University of South Dakota.
Mr. Shribman is an emeritus member of the Board of Trustees of Dartmouth College and of the Board of Visitors of Dartmouth’s Rockefeller Center for the Social Sciences. He is a former member of the selection committee for the Profiles in Courage Award at the John F. Kennedy Library and served as chairman of the selection committee of the Elijah Parish Lovejoy Award given by Colby College. He also sits on the national board of the Calvin Coolidge Foundation and holds four honorary degrees.
He has been married to Cindy Skrzycki, a University of Pittsburgh professor, for more than 40 years, and they have two grown daughters, Elizabeth and Natalie.
NSCC Forums teach tolerance, embrace diversity and support a learning environment.
NSCC Forums on Tolerance initiate educational challenges to students and members of the community to learn more about one another, bring about empathy and understanding toward other people, and to make a difference in ourselves, our neighborhoods, and our world. Since 1996, NSCC Forums have explored social injustice and its effects on the modern world and our own communities through topics ranging from the Holocaust to immigration and civil rights.
Partially supported by the Forums on Tolerance Endowed Fund.