Get ready to learn online
Now there are more ways than ever to attend college.
NSCC offers online, hybrid and videoconference courses that bring the classroom to you with the flexibility to fit learning into your busy life. Accessible and convenient, online courses also provide safer learning options to earn your credential. Whether you starting out, or starting over, take advantage of all the ways you can achieve your academic goals!
State Authorization of Online Learning
What types of classes work for you?
The majority of NSCC's courses are now offered as online, hybrid, and video conference courses. Traditional Face-to-Face learning will be prioritized for Health Professions, Biotechnology, and Veterinary Technology, and other lab-based sections.
For most students, classes will be offered virtually through Blackboard, an online learning system used by many faculty at NSCC; Class Collaborate, a real-time learning environment; or Zoom, a video conference platform.
Here’s a key to understanding the types of courses you can register for.
Expand AllCollapse AllThese courses will be taught 100% online with a flexible schedule through the use of Blackboard Learn.
There are three types of Hybrid Courses:
Hybrid | Face-to-Face - These courses will be taught 30-70% flexibly online through the use of Blackboard Learn. The remainder of the course will be taught in a classroom on campus at a fixed scheduled time to make up the remaining credit hour definition.
Hybrid | Videoconference - These courses will be taught 30-70% flexibly online through the use of Blackboard Learn. The remainder of the course will be taught virtually through Zoom or Blackboard Collaborate at a fixed scheduled time to make up the remaining credit hour definition.
Flex Hybrid - These courses will be taught 30-70% flexibly online through the use of Blackboard Learn. The remainder of the course will be taught virtually through Zoom or Blackboard Collaborate and a combination of face-to-face in a classroom on campus at a fixed scheduled time to make up the remaining credit hour definition.
There are 2 types of Videoconference Courses:
Videoconference - The course will be conducted 100% virtually through Zoom or Blackboard Collaborate at a fixed scheduled time to align to the credit hour definition. The course may have a Blackboard component.
Videoconference | Face-to-Face - These courses will be conducted based on a fixed schedule basis through a combination of both video conferencing through Zoom or Blackboard Collaborate and face-to-face instruction in a classroom on campus to align to the credit hour definition.
Tips for learning online.
The following characteristics are common for successful online students:
Have access to the Internet as well as a computer or laptop with webcam for video conference courses
Basic technical and academic skills
Ability to study independently
Good time management and organizational skills
Willing to devote the same amount of time and effort as a face-to-face course
Comfortable with asking questions

Three online tips for being successful in online college course.
Online Readiness Checklist
Curious about what you need to learn online? Here's a checklist for things to consider.
We're here to support you!
Even though you’re not on campus, we're here to help you every step of the way. Here are virtual support services and resources that are free to NSCC students!
Expand AllCollapse AllThe Tutoring Center offers free personal assistance on understanding class materials.
The Library offers resources for you like help with research on papers and projects.
NSCC's Help Desk can provide general technical support and help
NSCC provides orientations to both Blackboard Learn and your specific online or hybrid
course. Orientations are available within Blackboard Learn on the My Home page.
Find Your Online or Hybrid Course Orientation >
For help with Blackboard or Class Collaborate, contact the Blackboard HelpDesk at
The Center for Alternative Studies & Educational Testing offers proctored testing for online courses.
Applying and registering for courses
Applying to NSCC for programs that now offer online, hybrid and videoconference courses is the same as for traditional on-campus programs. Our course registration process is also the same!
Contact Us
For general questions about online, hybrid and videoconference courses and programs email us at or call 781-477-2172 during business hours.