When the fire alarm sounds, all persons are required to evacuate the building in an orderly manner. The Campus Police Department, Administration, and Staff have been trained to assist in the orderly evacuation of all buildings and in providing special assistance to persons with disabilities. Your cooperation in evacuating the building will enable the Campus Police Department and the Fire Department to concentrate solely on the emergency. Please take a few minutes to review these guidelines.
General Guidelines
Leave the building quickly following the faculty member s instructions and the evacuation route posted on the wall immediately adjacent to the corridor door.
Assist persons with disabilities as needed or as requested to the closest EMERGENCY EVACUATION ASSISTANCE AREA which is also identified on the posted evacuation map or to the closest posted building exit.
Instruct all students to quickly leave the building following the evacuation route found on the fire exit sign located on the wall immediately adjacent to the corridor door.
If there is a person with or without a disability that needs assistance in a class or in your office, please provide assistance or assign a person to assist them to the closest evacuation point. NOTE: This is extremely critical during Saturday classes when there is a reduced number of Staff on hand. Remain with the person and provide support until they are evacuated.
When the classroom/lab is evacuated, the faculty member is to turn off all electrical and gas devices. The lights should be left on. Make sure the classroom corridor door is unlocked and closed then exit the building.
OFFICES & WORK AREAS Faculty, Staff & Tutors
The person in charge of the area shall instruct all persons to quickly leave the area following the evacuation route found on the fire exit sign located on the wall immediately adjacent to the corridor door.
If there is a person with a disability in the areas that need of assistance, please provide assistance or assign a person to assist them to the closest evacuation point which is listed on the evacuation map posted in the room.
Persons located in offices or other work areas, where practical, will immediately lock all safes, shut any interior doors, shut off all electrical devices and exit the building. The last person out of the area shall leave the lights on and make sure the corridor doors are shut and unlocked.
Immediately evacuate using the closest available stairwell and exit.
Provide assistance to persons with disabilities as needed or requested to the closest evacuation point.
What else should I know?
Evacuation Route Please review the fire exit sign, posted next to the door closest to the corridor, at the beginning of the semester and note where the primary and secondary routes of evacuation are.
Elevator Use The use of the elevator is prohibited by law for safety reasons during fire emergencies. As a matter of fact the elevator is designed so that it will not function upon the activation of an alarm.
Building Exterior Once outside the building proceed 300 feet away from the entrance or as far as necessary as to not interfere with the Fire Department response.
Building Re-entry The building re-entry will be coordinated by the Campus Police Department when the authorization is received from the Fire Department.
Persons with Disabilities
Persons with disabilities who anticipate needing assistance during a building evacuation are urged to advise the faculty member instructing the course of their needs at the beginning of each semester.
Persons with disabilities on the ground level of all buildings are to exit using the closest exterior exit.
Persons with disabilities on the upper levels of all buildings who need assistance during an evacuation are to proceed to the ends of the corridors that access stairwells or designated evacuation points (posted on the fire exit sign) where assigned personnel will assist in your evacuation.
Elevator use is prohibited by law during fire emergencies.
Evacuation Points for Persons with Disabilities
DANVERS CAMPUS: Berry Building Persons with disabilities on the first floor are to
exit using the nearest posted fire exit. Persons with disabilities on the second floor
are to proceed to the South Exit. Persons with disabilities on the third floor who
need assistance during an evacuation are to proceed to the South stairwell near room
308 where a monitor will assist in your evacuation should an actual emergency exist
DANVERS CAMPUS: Math & Science Building Persons with disabilities on the first floor are to exit using the nearest posted fire exit. Persons with disabilities on the second floor who need assistance during an evacuation are to proceed to the center stairwell where a monitor will assist in your evacuation should an actual emergency exist.
DANVERS CAMPUS: Health Professions & Student Support Building Persons with disabilities on the first floor are to exit using the nearest posted fire exit. Persons with disabilities on the second floor are to proceed to the center of the building main exit. Persons with disabilities on the third floor who need assistance during an evacuation are to proceed to the Center stairwell or the West stairwell (near room 312) where a monitor will assist in your evacuation should an actual emergency exist
LYNN CAMPUS Persons with disabilities on the upper levels of the building who need assistance during an evacuation shall proceed to the east and west ends of the corridors and remain at the stairwells. A fire monitor will be stationed there to assist in your evacuation should an actual emergency exist. Persons with disabilities on the second floor east who need assistance during an evacuation shall meet the fire monitor in front of the Computer Lab LE22.