Keep Your Contact Information Updated

All members of the North Shore Community College community must enroll to receive RAVE Alert emergency notifications. Once enrolled it’s crucial for you to keep your contact information, including cell phone number and email address, updated. 

Always Have Emergency Contacts in Your Phone

Ensure you have emergency contacts saved in your phone, including campus police and security, local police non-emergency numbers, friends, and family members. Your contact information should also include the NSCC Police Department: 

For general non-emergency campus assistance, call 781-593-7032. 

For emergency assistance call 781-477-2100.

Safety Tips

  • There is safety in numbers. By walking with someone else at night, you significantly reduce your chances of being assaulted. The NSCC Police Department can provide a safety escort upon request through our dispatch center by calling 781-593-7032
  • Be aware of your surroundings. By using your phone or iPod, you have lost one of your most importance senses—hearing. If you listen to music while you are out, put only one ear bud in. If you use an ATM, be sure it’s in a well-lit area. Be aware of who is around you at all times.
  • Changing your walking route, particularly at night, decreases the chances of you being followed.
  • Consider swapping schedules with your classmate. It’s important that someone knows where you are at all times so that if you don’t show up at home, someone will know that you are missing.
  • Carrying a safety tool, such as a whistle or personal alarm, can be an effective in getting the attention of others during an emergency.  There are also panic alarm applications that you can download to your phone, which can also be utilized to attract attention during an emergency situation.
  • Report lights that are out and any hazardous conditions immediately
  • Review building and classroom evacuation maps and know where exits are and know where the exterior muster/Rally points are located.
  • Look confident when you walk. Make eye contact with passersby, and keep a firm grip on your property.
  • Carry your keys in your hand so you can quickly get into your car or home.
  • Know the locations of blue light emergency phones on campus.
  • Never leave your purse, wallet, book bag, laptop, cell phone, earbuds, or other property unattended even for a moment in a public setting.
  • Although it seems courteous to open doors for others, especially persons carrying packages, never allow anyone you do not know to enter a locked building when you are entering or exiting. Do not let people "piggyback" with you! If someone does enter that you don't recognize please call the NSCC PD.

Remember if you see something say something


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