RISE Logo_2023

What is RISE?

RISE (Realizing & Inspiring Student Excellence) is a cultural and academic community celebrating the contributions and achievements of Black, African American, African, Latina/o/é, and/or 2SLGTBQI+ students.

RISE promotes and increases college completion through student programming, academic scholarship, and career development that supports a culturally and educationally diverse student body.




Students who are eligible to join RISE at NSCC include:

    • Students enrolled in a certificate or degree program
    • Students who identify as Black, African American, or African*(*)
    • Students who identify as Latina, Latino, Latinx, or Latiné*
    • Students who identify as Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, +*
    • Students with disabilities
    • Low-Income students
    • Part-time and full-time students
    • First-Generation students (parents/caregivers did not complete an Associate degree or higher)
    • Any student interested in celebrating the contributions of our culturally and academically diverse community

* North Shore Community College recognizes that identity groupings are limited in their ability to categorize all students. If you have questions related to your eligibility to join RISE based on the above-listed categories, please reach out to Rhian Waterberg, Director of SUCCESS Initiatives, at rwaterbe@northshore.edu.

(*) Participation in RISE is open to students from across the Black African diaspora.

Your RISE Dream Team

Every student in RISE is connected to a Dream Team designed to help you navigate the college experience, connect with supportive resources/offices, and achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself in attending North Shore Community College. The following support staff are part of your RISE Dream Team:

    • RISE Academic Advisor
    • RISE Career Counselor
    • RISE Wellness Counselor
    • Peer Coaches
    • Peer Tutors

Support through RISE

In addition to your Dream Team, RISE also provides the following personal enrichment and professional development opportunities:

    • Transfer Advising
    • Scholarship Application Assistance
    • Community & Cultural Events
    • Trips to 4-yr Schools
    • Academic Skills & Career Workshops
    • Speaking Events & Panel Discussions
    • Career, Interest, & Strengths Assessments
    • Connections to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).


RISE with Us!

Connect with us at rise@northshore.edu

Lynn Campus LW-171

Phone: 781-477-2216