Salem Skipper

New on-demand transit service starts in Beverly May 1, 2024!
The regional expansion of the Salem Skipper - on on-demand rideshare service - starts on May 1, 2024. The City of Beverly has partnered with the City of Salem and the Town of Danvers to expand the Salem Skipper to portions of Danvers and Beverly. It works like a minibus that comes when you want, where you want — book a ride straight from your phone, get picked up in minutes, and skip the hassle of parking. Riders can travel to / from any of the designated service areas in Beverly, Danvers, and Salem. On-Demand Rideshare (Salem Skipper)


NSCC-Uber Ride offers students safe and reliable reduced-fare rides. Currently registered NSCC students can ride to and from the Danvers Campus from the North Shore Mall or Beverly Depot with a $10 discount on rides. Students can also ride between the Danvers Campus and Middleton location. 

Sign up for NSCC-Uber Ride >

Wheelchair Accessible Transportation 

For students needing accessible transportation get to class, NSCC has contracted with Beauport Ambulance Service to provide rides from the same pick-up/drop-off locations and for the same cost as an NSCC-Uber Ride. Students must provide a current student ID and their myNorthshore email address to BAS service provider upon pick-up. 

More Accessibility Resources 
Need a ride now? Call Beauport Ambulance Service at 800-563-7798 

MBTA Youth Pass 

Many NSCC students are eligible for an MBTA Youth Pass. Passes can be used at MBTA Fare Vending Machines or Retail Sales Terminals to purchase a reduced price LinkPass for $30 a month, or at a reduced pay as you go rate. You must be a North Shore Resident ages 12-25, who is not attending middle or high school. For those 19-25 you must also be enrolled in one of MBTA's accepted GED or job training program, or state or federal benefit program. For more information, contact 

MBTA Youth Pass Application 
MBTA trip planner 

**Youth Pass cardholders are now eligible for half-price Commuter Rail Zone 1A fares. This means that Youth Pass cardholders can use the newly installed Fairmount Line validators, as well as purchase half-price tickets onboard or at ticket windows. 

Below are the two specific ways that Youth Pass cardholders can access CR Zone 1A travel:

  1. For travel on the Fairmount Line inside Zone 1A (excluding Readville), Youth Pass cardholders can tap their CharlieCard (with either stored value or a monthly pass) at the newly installed validators.
  2. For travel inside Zone 1A on any line (including Fairmount Line), Youth Pass cardholders can purchase half-price Zone 1A tickets by showing their card onboard to a conductor or at ticket windows.

Youth Pass cardholders riding inside Zone 1A on all lines can take option #2. Youth Pass cardholders riding the Fairmount Line can take either option #1 or option #2.

Image of campus

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