Training received on issues related to sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct

The Title IX Coordinator, Affirmative Action and Compliance Officer and others involved in the process regularly receive training on issues related to sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct. This aligns with Section 106.45(b) of the 2020 Final Title IX Rules. You can view those materials here:


Introduction to the PAA

Investigation Foundations for Higher Education

Investigation Skills and Report Writing for Higher Education


Pregnancy Accommodations Training Slides


Title IX Decision Makers and Student Conduct Administrators

Advanced Title IX Coordinator Training

Considerations for Preparing Your Campus Leaders Now

The CleryAct, VAWA and Title IX

Sexual Misconduct Investigation Training


Title IX Investigations and Reports

Inclusive and Trauma Informed Investigations


Amendments to the Policy on Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity & Diversity (PAA)

Responding to Campus Sexual Misconduct with Restorative Justice


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