Refund Deadlines for Credit Classes

View refund dates for Summer 2025

View refund dates for Spring 2025

View refund dates for Fall 2024

Refund Policy

North Shore Community College will refund tuition and fees up to a certain point. Please review the refund deadlines listed for the current semester. Students are responsible for withdrawing from the courses they do not attend or stop attending through their myNorthshore account. Students who stop attending classes or do not attend, but fail to withdraw by the end of the add/drop period will be responsible for paying for their courses. 

When students withdraw from courses or make a change to their enrollment that creates a credit balance, Student Financial Services staff will review and determine if eligible refunds should be sent back to the credit card(s) that were used to make web payment(s), to the verified ACH profile, or mail a paper check to the address on file. 

For students with financial aid and/or outside agency payments, we will review your account upon withdrawing to see if your financial aid will need to be returned or if you can keep a portion of it. We will also refund any other agencies directly that has made a payment on your behalf. Please review the Financial Aid Withdrawal Policy for more information on how your financial aid is calculated.

Students who are interested in setting up an ACH profile to receive refunds electronically (eRefund) may do so through their myNorthshore account. Students may also update their bank account information or cancel the eRefund profile online any time. 

  1. Log into your myNorthshore account.

  2. Select Web Payment/e-Bill button

  3. Select Electronic Refunds option under MyProfile Setup

Refund Deadlines for Noncredit Classes

Students registered for Professional Education (non-credit) workshops and courses must withdraw in writing by email to at least three days prior to the first session in order to receive a full refund of tuition, less a 6% processing fee. All other charges are nonrefundable. All remaining amounts paid to North Shore Community College will be refunded directly to the student or to the credit card that was used to pay for the course(s).  After the three-day withdrawal period, no refunds will be given.

The Office of Corporate & Professional Education can be reached by phone at 978-236-1200 or by email at 

* Our eRefund process is set up to refund the credit card(s) that were used to make web payment(s) first when possible. If we have no sufficient credit card payment(s) on file, the refund will be sent to the verified ACH profile, or be processed as a paper check. 

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