Dietary Management Certificate Program

The Dietary Management Certificate is approved by the Association of Nutrition and Foodservice Professionals (ANFP) in accordance with the requirements set forth by the Certifying Board for Dietary Managers.

Association of Nutrition and Foodservice Professionals (ANFP)
406 Surrey Woods Drive
St. Charles, IL 60174
Phone: 800-323-1908
Fax: 630-587-6308

Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Program

The Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Program, including the Substance Abuse Certificate Program, is accredited by:

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health Bureau of Substance Abuse Services (BSAS)
250 Washington Street
Boston, MA 02108-4619
Phone: (617) 624-5000
Fax: (617) 624-5206

Early Childhood Education Program

Early Childhood Education Program is accredited by:

the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC),
1313 L Street NW, Suite 500,
Washington, DC 20005-4101
Phone: (202) 232-8777, (800) 424-2460;
Fax: (202) 328-2604;

Medical Assisting Program

The Medical Assisting Certificate Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs upon the recommendation of the Medical Assisting Education Review Board.

Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs
9355 - 113th St. N, #7709
Seminole, FL 33775
Phone: (727) 210-2350

Nurse Education Program

The Associate Degree Nursing Program at the Ferncroft Road campus located in Danvers, MA is accredited by:

The Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA 30326
Phone: (404) 975-5000

The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the Associate Degree Nursing Program is Continuing Accreditation.

The Associate Degree Nursing Program is approved by the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing. 

Nutritional Science and Diet Technology

North Shore Community College has applied to the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND®) to open an ACEND accredited Dietetics Technician program to prepare Nutrition and Dietetics Technicians, Registered in Fall 2026.

Our eligibility application was accepted by ACEND, and we are in the pre-candidacy process for our proposed program.

The program is not accepting applications at this time but will do so upon successful completion of the candidacy for accreditation process to achieve ACEND accreditation.

More information about the ACEND accreditation standards visit 2022 ACEND Accreditation Standards

Contact Nutrition Department Chair Ginny King via email ( or by phone (978-762-4033) for more information.

Occupational Therapy Assistant Program

The associate-degree-level Occupational Therapy Assistant Program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE).

Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE)
c/o American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA)
7501 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 510E
Bethesda, MD  20814
Phone: (301) 652-2682

Graduates of the program will be eligible to sit for the national certification examination for the occupational therapy assistant administered by the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT).  After successful completion of this exam, the individual will be a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant (COTA).  In addition, all states require licensure in order to practice; however, state licenses are usually based on the results of the NBCOT Certification Examination.  Note that a felony conviction may affect a graduate's ability to sit for the NBCOT certification examination or attain state licensure. 

Paralegal Program

The Paralegal Program is approved by:

American Bar Association
321 N. Clark Street, 19th Floor,
Chicago, IL 60654-7598,
Fax: (312) 988-5483;
Phone: (312) 988-5617;
American Bar Association website

Physical Therapist Assistant Program

The Physical Therapist Assistant program at North Shore Community College is accredited by:

Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education
3030 Potomac Avenue Suite 100,
Alexandria, Virginia 22305-3085;
Phone: (703) 706-3245;

If you need to contact the program/institution directly please email or call Mary Meng-Lee at or (978) 762-4165

Practical Nursing Program

The Practical Nursing Program at the Ferncroft Road campus located in Danvers, MA is accredited by:

The Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA 30326
Phone: (404) 975-5000

The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the Practical Nursing Program is Continuing Accreditation.

The Practical Nursing Program is approved by the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing. 

Radiologic Technology Program

The Radiologic Technology Program is accredited by:

the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT),
20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 2850,
Chicago, IL 60606-3182
Phone: (312) 704-5300;
Fax: (312) 704-5304;

The Radiologic Technology program currently holds an 8 year accreditation with the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT). Verification of this accreditation status can be found at

Respiratory Care Program

The Respiratory Care Program is accredited by:

Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (COARC),
Phone: (817) 283-2835 ;
Fax: (817) 354-8519;

CoARC accredits respiratory therapy education programs in the United States. To achieve this end, it utilizes an ‘outcomes based’ process. Programmatic outcomes are performance indicators that reflect the extent to which the educational goals of the program are achieved and by which program effectiveness is documented.

COARC Programmatic Outcomes

Surgical Technology Program

The Surgical Technology Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs upon the recommendation of Accreditation Review Council on Education in Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (ARC-STSA).

Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs
9355 - 113th St. N, #7709
Seminole, FL 33775
Phone: (727) 210-2350

Accreditation Review Committee on Education in Surgical Technology
19751 East Mainstreet, Suite #339
Parker, CO 80138
Phone: (303) 694-9262

Veterinary Technology Program

Veterinary Technology Program is accredited by:

the American Veterinary Medical Association, (AVMA),
1931 North Meacham Road, Suite 100,
Schaumburg, IL 60173-4360
Phone: (847) 925-8070 ;
Fax: (847) 925-1329;
AVMA Website

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