Students completing this program will be able to:
Program Student Learner Outcomes
- Critical Thinking: Demonstrating comprehension of a text by reading, highlighting, annotating, discussing, analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating.
- Cultural Competency: Interpreting history via demonstrable understanding of ethical socioeconomic, and cultural contexts.
- Information Literacy: Locating, interpreting, and evaluating information from a full range of scientific data and research sources.
Occupational Skills required
- Provide scientific or technical guidance, support, coordination, or oversight to governmental agencies, environmental programs, industry, or the public.
- Review and implement environmental technical standards, guidelines, policies, and formal regulations that meet all appropriate requirements.
- Collect, synthesize, analyze, manage, and report environmental data, such as pollution emission measurements, atmospheric monitoring measurements, meteorological or mineralogical information, or soil or water samples.
- Communicate scientific or technical information to the public, organizations, or internal audiences through oral briefings, written documents, workshops, conferences, training sessions, or public hearings.
Most Common Linked Occupation Title – All Education Levels
- Environmental Scientists and Specialists
Most Common Linked Occupation Title – Associate’s or Less
- Environmental Specialists